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Who We Are

Alaska Arts Confluence is a 501(c)3 tax exempt nonprofit dedicated to promoting participation in the arts by providing art education and cultural enrichment opportunities for artists, residents and visitors of the Chilkat Valley.

Our Vision

Drawing upon the resources of the area’s Native and contemporary  visual artists, the strength of the written and oral traditions, and the influence of music and the performing arts in rural Alaskan community life,

Alaska Arts Confluence programs and projects provide arts education opportunities open to the general pubic to foster an appreciation of all arts. To achieve these ends we offer workshops, seminars, events and related activities that allow for a wide range of community enrichment, visitor involvement and cultural exchange.

What We Do

  • First Friday art walks 

  • Art on Main Street: Gallery of local art and art displays in IGA storefront windows

  • Ongoing creation of Sculpture Garden in historic Ft. Seward

  • Art education classes for the public and workshops for the artists

  • Creative Placemaking

Our Core Beliefs

  • The Arts improve our quality of life.

  • Artists play an intrinsic role in our educational, social, economic, and environmental arenas.

  • A thriving arts and cultural environment is sustained by diverse and meaningful community partnerships.

  • Our public-built environment should artfully compliment the beauty that surrounds us.

Our Board of Directors

Roger Gentry



Clara Natonabah

Vice President


Helen Alten


Cherri Price


Charles Moody


Emma Brouillette


Gina Randles


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